Summer has a heart defect 1st July 2006
Sarah's and Marc's newborn baby has a heart defect, the exact diagnose is a hole in the lower parts of the heart. Summer's heart has to be operated in a few weeks, but as she was only born one week ago, it's still too early for the operation. Sarah will be able to take Summer home before that.
How dangerous is this operation then? The German tabloid Bild, who first told these news, asked Robert Cesnjevar, an expert in children's heart chirurgery: "During the surgery the baby's sternum will be opened and the hole will be filled with a plastic patch. In experienced hands the risk is very low. The child will be able to have a pretty normal life after that."
I personally wish from the bottom of my heart that little Summer will be alright and I wanna wish loads of strenght for Summer and her parents, you're in my thoughts!
Sarah gave birth to a baby girl on Friday 26th June 2006
Sarah has given birth to her and Marc's second child. The baby girl came to the world on Friday 23rd June at 20:58 and was named Summer Antonia Soraya. Both mother and the baby are well. Marc was also present at the labour and cut the umbilical cord just like he did with Tyler. Congratulations!